A Much Needed Vacation

June 2022

Family- Family should be the single most important thing in life. They are with you from the time you enter this world and hopefully till the time you exit.
This month has been a trying one. Randy, my oldest (20) had reconstructive surgery on his ears again at the end of May. That story for another time. We had a follow-up scheduled for June 13. Which was the week before a family vacation. Great another day off, I thought in my head.
So this story begins with when I woke up Monday, June 6th, to panic from my uncle letting me know that my grandfather has been taken to the hospital and is now in ICU. We (Brian and I) need to make plans to come up and see him in the next couple of days. I volunteered to go Tuesday, so Brian could go Monday. Hospital has restrictions on how many people can be there in a day. So I start my journey to work. I get a call halfway to the office saying the Doctor is going to make an exception to the rule and we need to come up there today (Monday). I turn around and head back home so Randy can take his car to work and I have to head out of town. I do my normal Monday meetings from home since I did not need to be there till 1, and hit the road at about 11 am. Halfway through the trip, I get another panicked call from my uncle that we (Brian and I) need to get there ASAP. Well, good thing I was already on my way. I get to the hospital at 12:30 and am escorted to the ICU where my uncles (Brian and Ty) await. Once I arrive the Doctor comes rushing in and gives us the run down, and it all is downhill from there. They kept my grandfather – who raised me from the time I was 18 months – hanging on just long enough for us to make it. He sadly passed that day. That is when the whirlwind of a week started. Between helping get everything together, and notifying family and friends of his passing, Monday was an emotional day. Tuesday we had to plan the funeral. Wednesday I tried to go to work, but my emotional state was taking over, and I could not make my body function. Thankfully my oldest works with me, he drove me home, and let me sleep the day while he is at home the rest of the day. Then comes Thursday is back out of town I go to make sure everything is ready for the family and friend viewing on Friday evening, then the Funeral on Saturday.
The boys and I dropped doggo (Copper) off at daycare for the weekend, Then we headed out of town on Friday morning and got back Sunday afternoon. Those were the two most exhausting days I have experienced. It was nice getting to see all the family and friends, I have not seen in ages and meet new people. I think the hardest part for me was that everyone wanted to tell me a story about how my grandfather thought I hung the moon. I know he loved me, but he grew up in a generation where men don’t share their feelings. So it was nice to hear how he shared his love for me with other people.
Well, that now brings us to Sunday the 12th. I have now missed 20 hours of work and I have to miss Monday the 13th, and DOH family vacation is starting June 19th. Needless to say, my bosses are great at the company I work for. They have been nothing but supportive this entire month.
We went to the follow-up in Austin on the 13 and straight back. I organized my work week. Made sure that everything was planned for the next week that I would not be there, and it all worked out. I worked Saturday the 18th just to make sure nothing was lingering or waiting on me. I am a worker and my gut was to cancel vacation and reschedule, I am so glad I didn’t.
Now VACATION time. Thank goodness!! If I did not think I needed it when it was planned in March. I am sure as heck glad that I have it.
Randy, Blake, and I hit the road on Sunday to the Gulf of Mexico. OH, don’t forget Copper is along for the ride too! We are halfway through and today my baby Blake turns 18. DANG how did we get here! I am so proud of the men they have become – they love fiercely and would do anything for anyone! They are a bit stubborn and hard-headed like their grandfather. They are going to do great things in their lives, they just need to believe in themselves and the world of possibilities is endless.

Sunday Day 1 – head to the Gulf, a walk along the pier, skipped rocks, shopped for groceries. Cooked out
Monday Day 2 – Went to the beach, bought the fishing license, scheduled a fishing tour
Tuesday Day 3 – Hung out at the RV site, went for walks, looked for land/property, went to Badassburgers, then to the beach
Wednesday Day 4 – Blake’s 18th Birthday – laundry day, beach, and cooking out
Thursday Day 5- TBD
Friday Day 6 – 6 hours fishing trip on the beach
Saturday Day 7 – breakfast and then head home

I hope the biggest takeaway from this is FAMILY!! Family should always be first. I will hold the memories of this trip with me, work can handle me not being there, and if not – maybe it’s time I move along. That is the one thing my grandfather cherished above all time with family.

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